Duke of Edinburgh
Chancellor’s is proud to offer Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at the Bronze level.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the world’s leading youth achievement award, is a self-development programme for young people between the ages of 14 and 24. It encourages self-reliance, perseverance and a sense of responsibility for the community. Hence The DofE Award fits extremely well with the school’s mission “The relentless pursuit of excellence balanced by self-responsibility, compassion and concern for others.”
Through the DofE, students are challenged to participate and achieve in four different areas of activity:
Volunteering is all about making a difference to other people’s lives. Whether it’s helping with homework club, coaching a primary school netball team or raising money for charity, this section enables students to give their time to help others and change things for the better.
The Physical section is a chance to focus on health and fitness. Students can improve their football, rock climbing or dance skills or try a completely new sport or activity. It’s not just for the super fit or the natural athlete – with the DofE, it’s about setting personal challenges, giving 100% and being the very best you can be.
The Skills section is about developing practical and social skills and nurturing personal interests and talents. Students can choose to get better at something they already do, like playing a musical instrument or cooking, or learn something for the very first time, like photography or how to design a website.
For the Expedition section, students as part of a small team, train for, plan and complete a practice and final expedition that will stretch their horizons. They will improve their communication and leadership skills, while having a great time.
For more information on the Award, go to www.dofe.org
The Award in Chancellor’s
The DofE programme is supported on a voluntary basis by a team of staff. The opportunity is offered to Year 10 students at the start of the new academic year in September.
The Expedition training starts January in the Spring term. The students will complete their route planning and log onto eDofE and input their chosen activities. There is a skills training day in March which takes place at the school.
The expeditions will be held in June and July. Once completed, students will receive their certificates in the Year 11 celebration assembly.
Specific information on the Award in Chancellor’s can be found on the Student Area of the student intranet.
There is a fee for participation which covers the cost of joining the national programme; administration and programme running costs for both Hertfordshire County Council and Chancellor’s; and the cost of providing the training and support for the Expedition section.
At present, we are only able to offer the Bronze level but help and advice will be given to students to enable them to progress on to the Silver and Gold levels, should they wish.
Due to a staff absence, the arrangements for the Duke of Edinburgh Award are currently on hold. We will be in contact in due course.