Year 8
This page has been put together for parents/carers of Year 8 students, to provide the information needed to understand and support your child’s learning at this stage in their academic career.
We have high expectations for all students and this includes consistently demonstrating excellent behaviour, engagement and independence in their learning. We also believe students who are successful have a high attendance, are punctual to school and to all their lessons. We expect students to wear the school uniform correctly and with pride. We expect them to be brilliant ambassadors for the school – both internally and externally.
This is an important year for your son/daughter as they will be looking to build on the information they received last year before going into Year 9 when their GCSE options are made. It is crucial that students put their full effort into their work to ensure that they are able to make informed choices when they pick their options at the end of Year 9.
We will consistently challenge and support students to ensure that they develop into young adults that the school, parents and local and wider community can be proud of. I look forward to working with you over the coming year.
Miss Tempest (Head of Year 8)
Key Staff
Mr D Croston – Headteacher
Mrs S Reilly – Deputy Headteacher
Miss K Tempest – Head of Year 8
Mrs P Smith – Pastoral Assistant
Mr D Toye – Pastoral Assistant
Form Tutors
8A - Ms C Iannuzella - / Mrs K Jackson -
8B - Mr J Field - / Mrs L Clark -
8H - Mr M Semark - / Miss G Ley -
8M - Mr S Hesling -
8S - Mr C Atton -
8W - Miss R Harris -
8Y - Miss P Menzie - / Mrs T D'Avella -
Form Tutors should be the first port of call if there is a pastoral issue regarding your son/daughter. Please contact their subject tutor if there is an issue specific to that subject.
For any attendance issues or to report your son/daughter absent, you should contact the school via phone on 01707 650702.
Form Time
Students will have a registration period at the start of the day and a longer form time before break. Form time will cover a range of different activities including silent and class reading, well-being tasks, current affairs and discussions regarding student behaviour and attendance. Students will also have one assembly each week.
Form time is an essential part of the school day and students are expected to come to form time fully prepared to learn. Form time is exceedingly valuable and it is imperative that it is not missed through lateness. Students should always have their reading book and should expect regular uniform and equipment checks carried out by their form tutor and/or Head of Year.
As students enter year 8, the time expected to spend on homework will increase to 45 minutes. However, more emphasis may be on preparing for assessments through effective revision. Students should expect at least one homework per week for each subject. Failure to hand in or complete homework to an acceptable standard will result in sanction.
Students can expect for the majority of their homework to be set via Google Classroom. It is here where students can view tasks before completing, contact their teachers directly and if required submit online.
Extra-curricular Timetable
PE practice and fixture timings can be found under ‘Sport’ in the ‘School life and extra-curricular’ tab on the website. Additional fixtures and information can also be found on the PE Twitter or Instagram pages.
Details regarding Drama, Music, Art and other extra-curricular clubs can also be found under the extra-curricular tab on the website and are included in the weekly parent bulletin.
Key Dates
For key dates please see the Chancellors School calendar. Up to date information regarding key dates will be sent to parents as and when they are needed.