Communication Protocols
Chancellor’s School works closely with its parent and carer body and values the support it gets from parents and carers. We will always seek to make at least an initial response to any queries and requests by any lines of communication within 48 hours during term time. We may need to investigate any concern and respond more fully later if appropriate or necessary. Staff are not expected to respond to requests in the evenings, at weekends or during school holidays unless it is an emergency such as a child protection issue or a bereavement. It is expected that parents make an appointment to see an appropriate member of staff and cannot demand to see any staff without an appointment or at a moment’s notice. Please remember that some staff work part-time and may not always be able to respond within 48 hours. During August, enquiries about exams will be taken at various times as published on our website.
If it is a query or concern related to a class or subject, please email the subject teacher and copy in the head of subject if you wish.
If it is of a personal or social matter, please contact your child’s form tutor and copy in the Head of Year if you wish.
In all correspondence between staff and parents we ask both parties to be courteous at all times. Our staff are professionals and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, even if there is disagreement over the best way forward.
Staff email addresses are in the following format:, staff names can be found on our Staff Members page.