
Secondary Transfer 2025

National Allocation Day – 3 March 2025

Depending on the method used in applying for a school place, you will receive either an email during the afternoon of 3 March 2025 or a letter will be sent on 3 March from your Local Authority notifying you of the school place your child has been allocated for September 2025. 

Your allocation will be available through your online account later in the evening of the 3 March.

If your application to this school has been successful, you will receive a welcome letter from the school by 8 March 2024.

You will need to accept or decline your place as soon as possible or by 17 March at the latest via your local authority, do not accept/confirm your place with the school.

If you have not been successful in your application to this school and would like to know your position on the waiting list please email the school at or call the school on 01707 650702 and ask for Admissions.

First Round of Continuing Interest

Following National Allocation Day, all applicants who listed Chancellor's School higher than the school they have been allocated will automatically be rolled onto the continuing interest list. Please inform the the local authority if you do not wish to remain on the list. 

You will not remain on this school's continuing interest list if you have been allocated a school you ranked higher than this school. 

First continuing interest applicants allocated a different school at this time will be contacted by the local authority between 24 - 28 March.

Second (and final) Round of Continuing Interest

If you are allocated a different school you will be contacted by the Local Authority between 28 April - 2 May 2024. If further vacancies occur they will be filled as they occur from the continuing interest list. The continuing interest list will continue until the end of July 2025 at which time if applicants wish to remain on the list they will need to complete an in-year application form via your local authority website.

It is worth noting that the school receives few withdrawals at this stage and it is therefore important that you make alternative arrangements for your child by accepting a place at another secondary school. There is no statistical analysis, from one year to the next, as to how many places will be accepted or declined by applicants.  


All unsuccessful applicants are entitled to appeal.  

After allocation day (3 March 2025), you'll be able to appeal for any schools you have applied to but have been refused a place at. 

Further information regarding this can be found on our 'Appeals' page and on the Hertfordshire County Council website page.